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•Little Campbell River Watershed Society
•Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society 
•A Rocha Canada                              
•Surrey Environmental Partners
•Langley Environmental Partners Society
•Pacific salmon Foundation                

In addition to our environmental partners the club has established a close working relationship with the City of Surrey, the federal Department of Fisheries and the provincial Freshwater Fisheries. The latter two organizations serve in an advisory role to issues related to the salmon abd trout raised in our hatchery as well as guidance on river restoration and protection.

Under an agreement with the City of Surrey the club and our environmental partner, the Little Campbell Watershed
Society, are advised of any applications for development in the watershed within the City of Surrey. If we identify a risk to the river we are then invited to participate in meetings with city staff and the developer’s engineers with the aim to eliminate or greatly reduce the risk to the river. Over the past few years we have had intensive and lengthy discussions on issues associated with a number of development applications. We are fortunate that in most cases the developer agreed to implement engineering solutions recommended by the club. In one case, despite our best efforts, we formally opposed the permit application at a City Council Meeting. In this case the City Council agreed with our concerns and the application was rejected.

Environmental Partners

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